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Eagle Fund


The Eagle Fund is Centreville Elementary PTA's tax-deductible general fundraiser. 100% of donations go to support the Centreville Elementary students and school resources. The generosity of our school community parents is what makes CES so special. Fully funding our Eagle Fund helps the collaborative team of teachers, parents, and administrators deliver the educational value our children deserve. While we have public support as a public institution, this supplemental funding is critical to keeping Centreville Elementary a top-notch school for our kids.  When a need arises in the school that directly impacts the education of your child, a healthy Eagle Fund helps the PTA to say, "yes" and continually be able to offer programs, academic enhancements, resources, and technology.

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Don't forget to check to see if your company matches your donation to the Eagle Fund!

​Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law. You will receive notification of your charitable donation for tax purposes. Centreville Elementary PTA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (tax ID #54-1427993).

Teacher Fund

Coming soon...

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